Topic: COLAB NZ Presents Problems with Routine Crown & Bridge Work
Date: Tuesday 25 October 2022
Time: 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Venue: Cordis Hotel Auckland
Address: 83 Symonds Street, Grafton, Auckland 1010, New Zealand
Speaker: Dr Simon Parsons
Canapes and wine from 6:00pm
Presentation starts at 6:30pm
Key Learnings:
Please join Dr Simon Parsons as we will explore common problems in routine crown and bridgework.
In this presentation we explore:
What Problems Arise with Crown and Bridgework?
Troubleshooting Aesthetic Problems
Troubleshooting Fit Problems
What Problems Arise with Crown and Bridgework?
We will examine why problems are experienced at the time of issuing a restoration, often requiring significant clinical time to adjust, or resulting in the need for a remake. By understanding where errors arise, a clinician can put into place measures to minimise the risk of error and the headaches that might otherwise ensue. We will explore which procedures pose the largest risk of problems and consider alternative approaches with a higher degree of reliability and predictability.
Why do we experience less than desirable aesthetics?
Are they due to clinician error, laboratory error or simply inherent to the materials we use? In this presentation we examine what drives problems with aesthetics. By understanding the limitations and characteristics of crown materials, teeth and adhesives, we can explore how to approach cases so that the risk of aesthetic failure is reduced.
Why do we experience Fit Problems?
Why is it that crowns, bridges and veneers sometimes fail to fit, whether in terms of margins, contacts or occlusion? Are fit issues due to clinician error, laboratory error, patient issues or the materials we use? We examine what drives problems with fit so that we can avoid common errors and reduce the risk of headaches and remakes.