Temporary Crowns

Temporary Crowns are interim restorations that can be worn for a few days or even a few months.
temporary ceramic bridge

Temporary Crowns Overview

These can be extremely useful as the patient can assess the final result of a smile design or definitive reconstruction and make an informed decision regarding the contour, size, function and colour of the proposed restoration.

Benefits for your patients

  • Helpful diagnostic tool.
  • Protects teeth.
  • Stabilises the tooth position.
  • Allows soft tissue remodelling, especially with implants.


  • Full mouth reconstruction cases often employ long-term provisionals for aesthetic and functional evaluation.
  • For larger cases, excellent well-fitting temporary implant crowns enable the patient to trial the phonetics of the final prosthesis.
  • Temporary restorations can be worn a few days, several weeks or even months.
Standard Acrylic/ Polymethylmethacrylate
MaterialHeat-cured Acrylic/Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA)
Aesthetics✓ ✓
MarginsAs for Final Restoration
Flexural Strength200 MPa
IndiciationsAssessment by Dentist
ColourStandard Acrylic: ✓ ✓ ✓
PMMA Shades: A2, A3, A4, B1, C3, Clear
Stain Resistance✓ ✓ ✓
Span/Ingot SizeSingle-multiple Units